Announcements from the Bulgarian-Canadian
Society of British Columbia

bcsbc Bulgarian-Canadian Society of British Columbia

Annual General Meeting

The Bulgarian-Canadian Society of British Columbia will hold its
Annual General Meeting on
March 3, 2007.

The “Balkan House” Restaurant
7530 Edmonds Street, Burnaby
ph. (604)-524-0404


Time: 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. – participant registration
5:30 – 7:00 p.m. – meeting


1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of rules of order. Election of an officer to preside the meeting.
2. Report on participant registration and membership.
3. Proposal for changes in the bylaws regarding the types of membership.
4. Report for the activities in the past period.
5. Forthcoming activities.
6. Financial report.
7. Questions and speeches.
8. Election of new directors and President of the Society.
9. Adjournment.

For more details, go to.