Invitation for Membership in the Bulgarian-Canadian Society of BC
Dear friends,
The new Societies Act comes into effect this year, and governs how societies (not-for-profit corporations) are created and run in British Columbia. The Act includes significant updates to allow for more flexibility in how societies operate, while still protecting the public interest.
We are asking, if you have celebrated March 3 or May 24; have had a good time at the traditional Bulgarian BBQ; have used the services at the Consular Days, or have voted in the Bulgarian elections in Vancouver, to renew or initiate your membership in the Bulgarian-Canadian Society of BC (BCSBC) by filling out the information below and emailing it to
The BCSBC Membership is free.
Your name:
Mailing address (optional):
Phone (optional):
We thank you for your interest and cooperation!
Board of Directors of Bulgarian-Canadian Society of BC
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