On June 10, 2018 at the Tommy Douglas Library in Burnaby, Dr. Anton Minkov presented a lecture on Canada’s internment operations during the First World War (1914-1920). Dr. Minkov is a member of the Endowment Council overseeing the work of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund (CFWWIRF). He is a historian with a background in Islamic studies.  His current professional research focuses on the internment of Canadian citizens during the period 1914- 1920. In his lecture Dr. Minkov recounted numerous compelling and little known facts related to the history of Canada during the First World War, and introduced personal stories told by descendants of the individuals affected by the internment operations during that fateful period.

Dr. Minkov explained that that the goal of the CFWWIRF is to provide funding for projects related to the continuation of this important historical research. Grants may be provided not just to historians, but also to professionals with diverse backgrounds. CFWWIRF is encouraging writers, artists, musicians, scriptwriters, film makers, etc. to consider working on commemorative projects.

For more information, please refer to the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund’s website at www.internmentcanada.ca.

You can also email Dr. Minkov directly at: aminkov@yahoo.com.