Bulgarian-Canadian Society of British Columbia
The Bulgarian-Canadian Society of British Columbia
invites you to celebrate

The Bulgarian National Holiday
March 3!!!

When: March 3, 2007, 8:00 p.m.

Where: Restaurant “BALKAN HOUSE”10


How: Call in advance to make a reservation and pay the cover charges for yourself and your friends to:

Veneta 604-939-0347
Frantz 604-298-0646
Daniela’s Cake Boutique – 232 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, ph. 604-984-4141
Blue Cafe 140 – 6200 McKay Ave, Station Square, Burnaby (Metrotown – Future Shop)
Vania 604-318-5435

The restaurant has limited seating, so don’t delay – get for your cover charges as early as you can!

The “BALKAN HOUSE” restaurant offers a buffet.

Cover charges: Adults: BCSBC members: $ 20.00; Nonmembers: $ 25.00
Children 6-12 y. old: $ 10.00; Children under 6: free

Expect music and a prize drawing with many interesting rewards!!!

All BCSBC members who attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society will get
10 free tickets for the drawing!!!