Dear Friends,

Тhe Consular Service at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Ottawa and the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Toronto will resume its services to citizens on May 19, 2020.

Detailed information can be found on the following websites:

Also, the new page of the Consular Service at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria is now active at:

The Embassy kindly asks all the visitors to strictly adhere to the published rules and advise that applicants without a pre-booked appointment will not be serviced due to the overwhelming number of people in need of consular services at the moment.
They also would like to ask citizens to adhere to their visiting hours; not to come to the Consular Service in advance; to adhere to the sanitary and hygienic measures (wearing masks and gloves); to keep physical distance of at least 2 meters from each other; people who will not directly be receiving consular services should not be entering the consular office, as well as adhere to any other measures published on the above websites.

We thank you for your understanding!