Nikolai Korndorf and his Contemporaries
Yarilo Music Ensemble


Celestial & Terrestrial
Music By
Nikolai Korndorf Lullaby for 2 pianos
Nikolai Korndorf Triptych for cello and piano
Jocelyn Morlock Halcyon for cello and piano
Jocelyn Morlock Quoi for solo piano and percussion
Roussi Tarmakov Wine, Candlelight and Hot Chili Peppers
for 2 pianos and percussion (World Premiere)
Jane Hayes, piano
Anna Levy, piano
Boris Sichon, percussion
Ariel Barnes, cello
Friday, May 27th 2005, 8:00 pm, @ the CBC Radio 2 – Studio 1
Вторник, 10 май 2005 г.